Intake & Timing

We begin with a brief phone contact to better understand your situation, to make sure that your needs are within our scope of expertise, and to understand the timing appropriate to your situation.
The time between first family contact and placement varies greatly and depends on a number of factors. Margie’s experience working in Emergency Services has equipped her to move quickly when the situation indicates and the family is willing. At other times, working with families to improve services supporting the current placement and/or helping families to understand how to determine when the current school or resources are not sufficient and action is needed is the preferred method. In some situations, difference in opinion between parents needs to be resolved before agreement on a course of action is decided. The partnership between Margie and the family addresses the time frame and available options in a direct manner.

Timing can differ significantly when the students is 18 or beyond. Margie has developed a model of working with young adults which takes into consideration their need to consent to treatment. By working individually with the young adult and simultaneously working with parents and out-patient providers, she has had good success in moving things along at a pace that fits the situation.
Margie offers several contract options for placement services beyond the initial consultation. These are designed to meet placement and advocacy needs, and involve research, selection, placement and follow-up for one year or the for the duration of a placement (if shorter than one year). Contract details, including cost, are discussed when the scope of work is clarified.